Information Use and Data Protection

How Information is used: If you choose to provide us with your information, take note of RPRP's Privacy Policy. As such, RPRP may use that information to contact you, respond to your message, or provide you the information or services you requested. In order to serve you better, we may analyze multiple sources of data you have provided (for example, to look up whether you previously contacted the RPRP about the same topic so that we do not send you a duplicative response). We may also use messages or comments collected through sites, apps, or official social media profiles for our own purposes, such as to make decisions or in public advocacy.

RPRP may use data you provide and automatically generated data for statistical analysis to assess, for example, what information is of interest to users, technical design specifications, and system performance. This allows us to make general improvements to our site as well as to offer tailored content to email subscribers (e.g., a follow-up message to subscribers interested in a specific topic based on information they have provided or automatically generated data).

Sharing of this Information: Information you share with RPRP (directly and via third party sites) may be treated as public information. We may, for example, publish compilations of messages or comments collected through or official social media pages and provide them to national leaders, members of the press, or other individuals outside of the State or Federal Government. However, we exercise discretion to limit such disclosures to protect your privacy (for example, we generally do not publish last names of commenters). RPRP uses a third-party analytics provider to collect and summarize this information in conjunction with cookies. The third-party analytics provider does not receive personally identifiable information through these cookies and is prohibited from combining, matching, or cross-referencing information with any other information. Within RPRP, we restrict access to personally identifiable information to only those employees, contractors, and/or vendors who require access to this information in order to perform their official duties and exercise controls to limit what data they can view based on the specific needs of their position. If you choose to share information with us, we may in some cases share that information (or automatically generated information) with certain government agencies in response to lawful law enforcement requests or to protect from security threats. We do not use or share your information for commercial purposes and, except as described above, we do not exchange or otherwise disclose this information.

Data Retention: Submitting personal information (name, address, telephone number, email address, etc.) is voluntary and is not required to access information on our website. However, if you choose to provide RPRP with personally identifiable information — for example by completing a form, leaving a comment, sending email, or completing a survey — we may use that information to respond to your message and/or help us get you the information or services you requested. We retain the information only for as long as necessary to respond to your question or request. Information submitted electronically is maintained and destroyed as required by the Federal Records Act and records schedules of the National Archives and Records Administration. It may be subject to disclosure in certain cases (for example, if required by a Freedom of Information Act request, court order, or Congressional access request, or if authorized by a Privacy Act System of Records Notice (SORN)). It is subject to the Privacy Act if maintained in a Privacy Act system of record.

Third-Party Tools and Sites: RPRP content gets published on third-party sites as a convenience to users who prefer to use these channels. All information published on these third-party sites is also available on site with the exception of Facebook and Instagram posts by RPRP or others tagging, commenting about, or otherwise relating to RPRP content.

Links to External Sites: pages and other RPRP digital media platforms may link to websites created and maintained by other public and/or private organizations and individuals. When you follow a link to an external site, you are leaving and are subject to the external site‘s privacy and security policies. We do not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of information contained on an external site. We do not endorse the site’s sponsor, any views they express, or any products or services they offer.

RPRP Pages on Third-Party Websites: Your activity on third-party sites is governed by the third-party website’s security and privacy policies. Please contact the third-party site’s Privacy Office if you have any questions or need further information.

RPRP Content Embedded in Third-Party Sites: In some instances, RPRP’s content may be embedded on third-party websites as a way to increase public awareness of RPRP activities. The integration of these products is intended to provide a seamless user experience and to enhance users’ ability to access public information provided by RPRP. The embedded content automatically generates RPRP server logs, web metrics and may set an RPRP cookie. Additionally, all other cookies, web metrics and server logs are governed by the third-party website’s security and privacy policy.

Contact RPRP’s Privacy Office: If you have any questions regarding RPRP’s privacy policy or need further information, please contact the RPRP Privacy Office at, or call (910)722-6160.